Craft Room Organization Tips (+ FREE Craft Room Printables!)

Craft room organization is essential, yet sometimes hard to accomplish. After all, being a crafty Creative doesn’t usually go hand in hand with being neat and tidy!

But, when I finally got into a larger room, I discovered that I still felt cramped and dysfunctional in my work area. 

My epiphany? If you don’t have a well-organized, thought-out craft space, your creativity may feel chaotic, and your productivity may suffer.

One of the biggest things I did was eliminating the unnecessary clutter. I know it’s hard to declutter your supplies, but it helps make room for fresh ideas!

The second thing I did to organize my craft room was to pick out some amazing craft storage units (this is key).

1. You will find inspiration. I discovered so many buried supplies. I also found myself brainstorming new projects with old or leftover supplies.

Why You Need To Organize Your Craft Room

2. You will SAVE money. I know I’m not alone here, ya’ll! So trust me, the time you need to take to clear this space will pay you back in craft supplies!