Cricut Design Space Combine Tools

The combine tools are super practical when it comes to editing images and customizing designs for our projects.

In this tutorial, I am talking all about the Cricut Combine Tools. These are the best ways to edit and alter shapes or images in Design Space.

A New Look!

Design Space also gave a refreshed look to the Layer’s Panel to the right of the Canvas. With the updated Layer’s Panel, we also get the ability to rename your layers to stay organized!

Welding is combining two or more objects into one path (object) by eliminating any overlapping cut lines.

The Welding Function

Welding cannot be undone once you’ve saved and closed out a project. In other words, welding is permanent.

Unite behaves just like weld, except you can undo it at any time! We can click on the combine icon and select Undo at any time to go back to our original two separate hearts!

Unite Tool

The Subtract Tool removes one shape from another one. The top object is subtracted from the bottom object at the overlapping point.

Subtract Tool

The Intersect Tool only keeps those parts covered by all selected paths. In other words, where two or more objects meet, the overlapping area will be your result.

Intersect Tool