11 Time Management Strategies for Small Business Success

Time management is a big headache for most people. Our schedules are jam packed and our minds are overflowing with information.

While I can’t solve every problem for you, I can tell you that if you implement these 11 time management strategies; then I guarantee you will see more productivity from your checklist of tasks!

There are so many times I have to remind my kiddos that now is not their time with Mommy, it is Mommy’s time to work and they should not interrupt.

You Must Set Boundaries

Here are some areas I am vigilant about my with my boundaries:

– Social media – Interruption from people during my work time – Checking messages too often – TV time

Saying no means you value yourself and your time. It also means you value the other person because you want to give them your best yes.

Learn To Say No

Routines create an energizing way to tackle your day. Remember to set time blocks for these tasks  to keep the day structured.

Stick To A Routine

Batching your tasks is a HUGE time saver! I apply this to other things like batching similar craft projects together in the same day, photographing more than one completed item at a time.

Batch Similar Tasks Together

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